Domain shield[Link]
Some domain names are so important and/or valuable that the registrant wants to protect them from being updated unintendedly (either malicious changes or human errors). Domain Shield is a service offered by DNS Belgium which enables registrars to help .be registrants to secure the details of their domain names.
Restrictions under Domain Shield[Link]
When a domain name is protected by Domain shield, no updates, transfers or deletes can be carried out. The registrant of the domain name can’t be updated either.
If a registrar wants to offer Domain shield to his registrants, he has to sign the addendum to the registrar agreement concerning Domain shield. The addendum can be found on our public website.
Contact our Support team if you want to add this addendum to your registrar agreement.
User management[Link]
DNS Belgium is responsible for the user management of Domain Shield users. These users have access to My registrations and can only do the Domain shield actions, they can’t execute any other transaction.
After signing the Domain shield addendum, you need to provide our Support team with user information for your employees who will be able to enable/disable Domain shield on domain names.
We need the following information for each user:
Userid (optional, DNS Belgium will choose one if you don’t)
Email address
Mobile phone number
The DNS Belgium support team will add the user to My registrations and a password will be sent to the user by text message. The user can change his password after the first login.
If a user forgets his password or needs to reset the TOTP, they can contact our Support team.
Each registrar is allowed at least 1 and at most 5 Domain shield users.
Domain shield actions[Link]
Each Domain shield user can do the following actions in My registrations:
Enable Domain shield on a domain name: the domain name can’t be updated, deleted or transferred.
Disable Domain shield on a domain name: all actions on the domain name are possible (update, delete and transfer).
Temporarily disable Domain shield on a domain name: the domain can be updated, but not deleted or transferred, for a period of 24 hours.
Re-enable Domain shield on a domain name: After you have temporarily disabled Domain shield, it will be re-enabled automatically after 24 hours. If you don’t want to wait this long, you can re-enable it shortly after the update. The domain name can’t be updated, deleted or transferred.
These actions are described in the section Domain names in My registrations.
To have extra security for the domains protected by Domain shield, there is a strict seperation between Domain shield users and other users. A Domain shield user can only execute the actions for Domain Shield. If the domain needs to be updated, this has to be done be another user. This is shown in this diagram:

DNS Belgium can disable Domain shield on a domain name in some circumstances. This will always be done in consultation with the Registrar.
Every time a Domain shield action is taken on a domain name, notifications are sent:
To the registrant
To the registrar in a CPS/Poll message
To each Domain shield user
To DNS Belgium support
More information[Link]
More information on Domain shield can also be found on our public website: