
Evolution of the .be TLD in your portfolio.

Creates and incoming transfers lead to growth. Decline is caused by deletes or outgoing transfers. You can see an overview of the most popular source or destination registrars for your transfers. This might give you an insight in the cause for these transfers.

Total registrations[Link]

Total number of active registrations (not having status quarantine) per day. Due to deletions at the end of the month, you can possibly observe a tooth saw pattern in the graph.

Year over year growth[Link]

Per day, percentage of growth of your portfolio in 1 year. You can benchmark yourself against other segments.

Total in and total out[Link]

This chart shows the evolution of all outgoing (delete and transfer out) and incoming (create and transfer in) transactions of the last year.

Creates and deletes[Link]

New domains versus deleted domains per month. You can hide or show one or the other transaction type by clicking on the transaction in the legend.

Renewal rate[Link]

We calculate renewal rate of a particular month by comparing the renewals of that month with the sum of the renewals and the deletes of that month.

\[renewal\_rate_m = \frac{renewals_m}{renewals_m + deletes_m}\]

The quarterly renewal rate for a particular quarter is:

\[renewal\_rate_q = \frac{\sum_{n=1}^{4} renewals_n}{\sum_{n=1}^{4} (renewals_n + deletes_n)}\]

With n equal to the months in that quarter

The renewal rate for the last quarter is mentioned in the introduction.

Renewal rates[Link]

Monthly renewal rates for you. You can benchmark against other segments.

Renewal rate per age[Link]

Renewal rate per registration age for the last year. Example: if the value for 2 is 80%, that means that for registrations of 2 years old, 80% is renewed. It is obvious that the renewal rate for registrations of less than 1 year old is 0: registrations are renewed after 1 year.

Registration Lifetime[Link]

Distribution of your portfolio over registration age.


Note: a full list of all transfers including date and losing and winning registrar can be found in the raw data.

Gaining vs. losing transfers[Link]

Incoming and outgoing transfers per month for the last 2 years. You can hide/show a particular transaction by clicking on the transaction in the legend.

Top 5 outgoing net transfers[Link]

Gives insights in which registrars you lost the most business to in the last quarter.

Top 5 incoming net transfers[Link]

Gives insights in from which registrars you gained the most business from in the last quarter.

Market share[Link]

Market share active registrations[Link]

Ratio of the number of registrations in your portfolio versus the total number of registrations. You can also benchmark against a number of segments. To have a better view on your own evolution you can hide some/all benchmark segments.

Market share new registrations[Link]

Ratio of the number of new registrations per month in your portfolio versus the total number of new registrations per month. You can also benchmark against a number of segments. To have a better view on your own evolution you can hide some/all benchmark segments.

Market share gaining transfers[Link]

Ratio of the number of incoming transfers per month in your portfolio versus the total number of transfers per month. You can also benchmark against a number of segments. To have a better view on your own evolution you can hide some/all benchmark segments.

Market share in home country[Link]

The percentage of registrants with the same nationality as the country of your main company address in your own portfolio versus the total number of registrants with that nationality. Registrants are counted per email address, not contact handle. Example, if your ratio is 10% and the country of your main country address is Belgium, it means that 10% of all Belgian .be domain name holders are a customer of yours. You own 10% of the Belgian .be market.