In this section, you can view your invoices, see your provisions and check your quota.
This view will give you a detailed look at the invoices that have been issued as well as all payments that have been received. There is no equivalent for this transaction in the EPP interface. This information is available for the last two years.
Finance overview[Link]
Click on ‘Finance’ in the left menu.
You will see the ‘Overview’ screen immediately.
All invoices and credit notes of the last two years are available. If you need older invoices, please contact DNS Belgium.
The list shows:
The Date on which the invoice was issued (E.g. 30/11/2009 is the invoice for all new names, renewals, transfer etc. of November 2009).
The Invoice number is the identification number of the invoice.
Type contains the type of invoice. Possibilities are: MONTHLY INVOICE, PREPAY INVOICE, SERVICE INVOICE, CREDIT NOTE, etc.
The Period refers to the period for which the invoice was sent.
The Status shows if the invoice is paid. This information is not available for invoices older than 1 january 2025.
The total Amount of the invoice (including VAT!).
The last column gives the possibility to download the invoice in pdf format.
The invoice provision transaction will give you the number of domain names that will be renewed for each of the next 12 months. This will allow you to estimate the financial impact of the renewals well in advance and at your convenience.
View provisions[Link]
Click on ‘Finance’ in the left menu.
Click on ‘Provisioning’.
The following screen will show a table with 3 columns:
The first column indicates the invoice month of the domain names.
The second column indicates how many domain names expire in this month.
The third column indicates how many domains under Domain Guard expire in this month.
A domain name that expires in a given month will be renewed automatically if that name still resides in the database on the last day of that month at 00:00 (midnight, CET). At that time, the registrar account will be reduced with the total cumulative fee for those names.
If you don’t want to renew a specific domain name, you will have to delete it from the database before its renewal date!
Clicking on a specific month will give you a search result with only the domain names expiring in that month (in blocks of 20). Note that this transaction is not very practical for very long lists of domain names. In such cases, you should take a look at the Reports.
Quota check[Link]
The quota check gives an overview of the current turnover in respect to the annual turnover threshold.
This transaction gives the registrars the possibility to check their status with regard to their (contractually established) annual turnover threshold. To see your quota check:
Click on ‘Finance’ in the left menu.
Click on ‘Quota check’.
Quota check result[Link]
The quota is established as a virtual domain name counter and shows the actual status of that counter. The virtual counter shows the number of paying transactions. The virtual counter is increased:
+1, for every new registration, every reactivation and every incoming transfer carried out,
+ number of renewals, for every monthly invoicing,
+ number of domains in portfolio, for a take-over of a portfolio.
Note: When a registrar (A) takes over the portfolio of another registrar (B), then all domains in the portfolio of registrar (B) are added to the virtual counter of registrar (A).
Deletes and outgoing transfers don’t have an impact on the virtual counter. A registrar should achieve its yearly quota between 1 January and 31 December. Registrars who start up, won’t have their quota checked in the first incomplete period before 1 January.
The screen of the quota check typically contains the following information:
First of all, a message is shown whether or not you’ve reached your quota. More on this message below.
In Quota checked on the time and date when the report was generated is shown (using the current state of affairs).
The Start date shows when the registrar was activated.
The Year shows the current year, which always runs from 1 January to 31 December.
Must reach quota indicates whether the registrar must reach the quota in this period.
The Quota is the turnover threshold of 250 ‘units’. As explained earlier, a unit corresponds with a domain when it is created, transferred, renewed or reactivated. E.g. when a registrar registers 250 new domain names in a year but loses them all at the end of that year, the virtual counter will remain at 250.
The actual status of the virtual counter.
Provisions gives an estimate of the number of units that will be added to the virtual counter in the remaining months of the current year. The estimate is based on the expected number of renewals. In case some of these domain names are not renewed, the total will be lower than estimated. The provisions do not consider new registrations that will probably be done in those months.
The total of these estimates for the remaining months of the current year.
In the summary, the current virtual counter is compared with the quota to be reached. If the net result is negative, at this point of the year, the quota has not been reached. The negative number is the number of domain names that needs to be added to the virtual counter to reach the quota. If the result is positive, the quota has been reached for the current year.
The last section only exists if the net result is negative. In that case, the current virtual counter is increased with the estimated number of renewals for the remaining months ( projected provisions ). This projected revenue is compared with the quota to be reached. If the projected net result is positive, the target will be achieved if all domain names that need to be renewed in the remaining months of the current year, are effectively renewed.
Possible messages are:
In case the registrar doesn’t have to reach the quota, because he is in his activation year, the message will be: “The quota check details are indicative. You do not have to obtain a specific volume (quota) in <<YEAR>>”.
In case the status of the virtual counter is positive without any provisions for renewals, the message will be: “Net result is positive, quota has been reached in <<YEAR>>”.
In case the registrar doesn’t reach his quota, but will reach it if all provisions are met, the message will be: “Projected net result is positive, quota will be reached in <<YEAR>>, provided the provisioned renewals will be attained”.
In case the registrar doesn’t reach his quota, even when considering the provisions for the renewals in the remaining months: “Projected net result is negative, quota will NOT be reached in <<YEAR>>. An additional revenue of <<TARGET>> is necessary, provided the provisioned renewals will be attained”.
If you’re supposed to reach your quota and you haven’t, you will receive a service invoice for the remainder of the yearly quota fee owed to DNS Belgium. It is therefore very important to keep an eye on your virtual counter and take appropriate action beforehand to make sure your quota will be reached.