Restore domain[Link]

The restore domain command can be used to restore a domain object that is in redemption. A restore request and a restore report command are required. These are extensions to the update domain command.

Restore domain – request[Link]

Input data[Link]

The update domain command should provide the <rgp:update> extension.


  • Client must be authorized to restore the domain (only the sponsoring registrar is allowed to restore the domain).

  • The domain name must exist.

  • The domain must be in ‘redemptionPeriod’

  • Naming conventions must be followed.

  • Required elements must be provided.

  • Protected transactions threshold must not be reached.


The status ‘redemptionPeriod’ is removed from the domain object. The status ‘pendingRestore’ is added to the domain object.

Restore domain – report[Link]

Input data[Link]

The update domain command should provide the <rgp:update> extension.


  • Client must be authorized to restore the domain (only the sponsoring registrar is allowed to restore the domain).

  • The domain name must exist.

  • The domain must be in ‘pendingRestore’.

  • Naming conventions must be followed.

  • Required elements must be provided.


The domain object is restored to its status before it was deleted. In case the domain has nameservers, a DNS update transaction is queued. A billing line is created. If the domain name is past its expiration date, an auto-renew is performed immediately and the domain name enters the auto-renew grace period.